Best diet in typhoid fever
While to the great majority of physicians best diet in typhoid fever may seem that the question of feeding has been definitely and finally settled, there are a few who believe that finality and the best methods have not yet been attained. It is the purpose of this paper to consider the subject in all its phases.
History of dietetics
History of dietetics for the Best diet in typhoid fever. The evolution of dietetic methods in typhoid fever, even of concepts dominant at the present day, can be traced back for ages before typhoid was differentiated as a separate disease, even to the dawn of medical history, the era of Hippocrates.
Prior to the time when typhoid was definitely distinguished from typhus and other fevers the ideas of the medical profession as to the causes, nature, and classification of the febrile dis- eases were very hazy and confused, and numerous distinct affections were considered and jumbled together under the general and common head of ” fever ” or *’ continued fever.”
In the time of Hippocates the conceptions of fevers were extremely crude and indefinite. As to bleeding and the emptying of the alimentary tract by emesis BEST DIET IN TYPHOID FEVER. and purgation in fever, the teachings of Hippocrates were not very definite, systematic, or emphatic.
Absolute starvation
On the question of best diet in typhoid fever even in those early days there were conflicting views, some insisting on absolute star- vation for a greater or less period, others advocating what was regarded as liberal feeding, one Petronos being mentioned
The evolution of dietetic methods in typhoid fever, even of concepts dominant at the present day, can be traced back for ages before typhoid was differentiated as a separate disease, even to the dawn of medical history, the era of Hippocrates.
Prior to the time when typhoid was definitely distinguished from typhus and other fevers the ideas of the medical profession as to the causes, nature, and classification of the febrile dis- eases were very hazy and confused, and numerous distinct affections were considered and jumbled together under the general and common head of ” fever “
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